Humanitarian aid
Increasingly complex crises
In the twenty or so countries where we run our projects, people are increasingly faced with several crises at the same time. This makes the problems more complex, the people affected more vulnerable and the aid more demanding.
© Hasan Belal

International cooperation
Tajikistan adapts to a changing climate
Agriculture in Tajikistan is suffering from climate change, and adaptation to the new conditions is essential.
© Reto Albertalli

Employees are Caritas' greatest potential
Chantal Cornaz, Head of HR and member of the Executive Board, talks in this interview about how more than 1'000 employees in 16 countries work together.
© Daria Jenni

Political engagement
Our positions 2023
Caritas is committed to a policy that takes account of socially disadvantaged people in Switzerland and abroad. We are committed to this through well-founded analyses and clear positions.
© Simon Huber

Switzerland: Poverty reduction
Life at the limit – poverty is no adventure
When people live on the bare minimum, they fall through the cracks in the social safety net. They don't have enough money to live on and yet receive no help from the state. Mrs Mangan is one of them.
© Andreas Schwaiger

Switzerland: Migration and integration
Justice and dignity for migrants
In 2023, migration to Switzerland was complex. Caritas Switzerland has worked tirelessly for the rights of migrants and their integration in Switzerland.
© Nicolas Brodard

Caritas in figures
Financial report
The financial report presents our annual accounts and balance sheet. It provides information on the distribution of private and public donations and other income, and how we use the funds.
© Laura Scheiderer

Retrospect, committees and partners
The President and Director look back on the year 2023
Monika Maire-Hefti and Peter Lack: «We are committed to a fair and responsible Switzerland that enables everyone to live well, at home and abroad.»
© Hasan Belal
Header image: Children play in the devastated neighbourhoods of Aleppo, Syria © Hasan Belal