Donate goods
Do you have clothes or furniture in good condition that you no longer need? Caritas and its markets will be glad to accept these donations in kind.
Caritas collects used textiles and shoes in good condition for disaster relief and for disadvantaged people.
Food and daily necessities
Vegetables, fruit, bread, dairy products, hard goods, oil, sugar: The Caritas Market cooperative relies on donations of goods to enable people affected by poverty to buy groceries at very low prices. The Caritas market near you will be pleased to accept your donation of unopened fresh and frozen products as well as household products and non-food items such as shower gel, shampoo, nappies, detergent, toilet paper and other everyday necessities.
In some regions of Switzerland, Caritas collects furniture from your home and makes it available to people in need or for re-sale in Caritas second-hand shops. In some regions, Caritas also offers home clearances.
The Regional Caritas Organisations in your area will be pleased to give you information about furniture donations. Caritas Aargau, Caritas Bern, Caritas Basel, Caritas St. Gallen-Appenzell, Caritas Solothurn and Caritas Zurich do not accept furniture donations.
Donations in kind in the event of disasters
Emergency aid in the event of a disaster must function quickly and efficiently. That is why, as a rule, we procure the necessary relief supplies in the area close to the event. This shortens transport routes and boosts the local economy. If required, we also supply clothing or specific items from Switzerland to the disaster areas.
In the event of a disaster, we ask you to give your support in the form of cash donations. We can use these specifically for the most urgent needs.
More information
Header image: Donate goods and do good © Leticia Perrenoud