Nexus project for returnees and host communities in Eastern and Central Equatoria
Project in South Sudan
This project aims to support the livelihoods and peaceful coexistence of returnees and members of the host communities by driving systematic change in an integrated way to improve natural resource management and farming practices in support of food security; to increase income-generating activities; and to support the prevention of GBV and non-violent resolution of conflicts.
Income, nutrition
3'549'185 Swiss francs
01.07.2023 - 30.09.2025
Project area
8 bomas of the 2 payams Imurok Payam (Torit County) and Magwi Central Payam (Magwi County) in Eastern Equatoria State, and 4 bomas in Yei Town Payam and Otogo Payam in Yei River County of Central Equatoria State
Target groups
Returnees and vulnerable host communities
Project number
Project in detail
Further projects Commitment to a world without poverty
The project is funded by: